Export to Adobe Illustrator
1. Import your table
The first thing to do is to drag and drop your color table in Coraye or to perform a file / Open to select your color table.
Coraye is compatible with .cxf, .aco, .acb, .ase, .csv, etc ...
2. Export the table to Adobe Illustrator format
In the Coraye software, select your color table in the left column, then right click to select "Export"
Illustrator is compatible with Adobe Color Table formats: - .ase - .acb
A new window appears Select the ".acb or .ase" icon
Give a name before saving your file (for example: My Color Table.acb)
3. Import into Adobe Illustrator
Illustrator supports .acb and .ase format to import colors in its spot color tables.
Open Illustrator. From the Windows tab select Swatches
Head over to the hamburger dropdown and click Open Swatch Library > Other Library.
Browse to select your color Table (.acb or .ase), then click on Open
Other file types, such as ACO, may not import properly in Illustrator or InDesign, but imports well in Photoshop.
This will show spot colors in a new swatches book.
Now, spot colors are ready to be used in your page layout.
Last updated