Print Control

Quality control is obviously an imperative to guarantee your customers the regularity and reliability of your proofs and your print production.

The printing controls are carried out using charts, standardized control ranges or personalized in CMYK, RGB or spot colors. Standardized control ranges are published by professional bodies such as IDEAlliance, Ugra, Fogra, ECI and BvDM or provided by software publishers, such as EFI, GMG, etc... They are sometimes free but most often paying (La Fogra e.g.). These are mainly used in the field of Graphic Arts to control the proofs printed according to ISO 12647-x standards

The Print Control module

The aim of this module is to:

  • Check the B.A.T.s (Good To Draw) in order to validate compliance with reference standards.

  • Check the stability of your printer to avoid unpleasant surprises when printing.

  • Check the quality after a calibration operation.

  • Check the uniformity of printing between several printers.

  • Control the reproduction of your direct colors (PANTONE color charts, vinyl color charts, etc...)

  • Control the test targets that will be used for the characterization of your offset printer e.g.

The first step is to create the reference range

To generate your chart you can choose between creating a chart in RGB, CMYK or done with spot colors.

This module will allow you to create control ranges from colors from:

- A range of controls to Graphic Arts standards, to verify compliance with the proofing standards.

Create a reference for ProofCreate a reference from the values of an imported range

From a measurement made on a reference print, to monitor the stability of a printer e.g.

Create a reference from a printed Mediawedge

From a standard range, to carry out a more precise control or to control the ranges intended to be averaged to characterize an offset printer e.g.

Create a reference from a printed chart

A color chart of direct colors, to control the reproducibility of the colors of your PANTONE color charts e.g.

Create a reference from a spot color swatch

From a color table, to customize and choose the colors you want to control.

The second step is to measure the range generated previously

The results of this measurement can be used to validate the printed result using standard or personalized tolerance values. This module makes it possible to measure and validate standardized CMYK ranges, RGB ranges and IT8 test charts, and all other test charts produced using the Coraye reference creation module. Each control measurement will be added to the reference file in order to keep a history of the measurements made to monitor the drifts of your printer. This module can be very useful to decide if you need to redo a new calibration (for example: if you change the paper emulsion that you are accustomed to using) or to help you make a technical diagnosis in the event of a problem. with your printer. So you can guarantee your customers the regularity of your impressions.

The different types of ranges that can be used with Print Control:

1) Standard CMYK ranges to control proofs in the field of graphic arts

Coraye offers four types of ranges as standard:

2) RGB ranges to control the stability and neutrality of your prints

Coraye offers two types of ranges as standard:

3) The test charts offered as standard in the profiling module for more precise control of your prints.

  • ECI2002 CMYK (1539 patches)

  • ECI2002R CMYK (1485 patches)

  • IT8.7-3 CMYK (928 patches)

  • IT8.7-4 CMYK (1617 patches)

  • TC 3.5 CMYK (432 patches)

  • TC918 RGB (918 patches)

  • TC2.83 RGB (294 patches)

  • etc...

4) The test charts generated from the spot color tables in order to check the accuracy when reproducing your PANTONES or your other color charts.

Spot color control requires the use of a RIP that supports spot color management such as PANTONEs. If you use custom spot colors, you must first add the colors you want to check and control, in the RIP color chart.

5) Personalized test charts created from Coraye color tables

6) The RGB or CMYK test charts imported in CGATS, IT8, cxf, etc ... formats, for example from the RIPs which control your printers.

Last updated