Create an account
To manage licenses, download software, plugins and the latest updates, it is necessary to create an account with a valid Email to access the CORAYE Dashboard.
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To manage licenses, download software, plugins and the latest updates, it is necessary to create an account with a valid Email to access the CORAYE Dashboard.
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To access the CORAYE Dashboard, open your preferred web browser and go to the following URL address:
Click on "Create your account" then fill in the form
First name
Last name
Company (optional)
Email (This Email will serve as your Login and will also be the address to recover your password in the event of loss).
Password (If you do not specify a password, the server will randomly create one for you). Passwords are encrypted in the database. If you forget this one, we will not be able to communicate it to you. But you will be able to have a new temporary password sent to you, allowing you to access your account to change it later.
If you activate the option "Je préfère parler français", you will receive the following Email in French (By default it is in English).
Activate the option "I agree to the terms and privacy" before clicking on the "Create Account" button