Gamut Viewer
The gamut viewer allow you to display an icc profile, an image, a spot color, or a color table to see if yours images and colors are reproducibles on your media or to simply analyze them. ..
1. Import file
To use the gamut viewer, we need to load some compatible file into Coraye. To do that, just drag and drop these files from a folder to the left or the right column.
List of files supported by Gamut Viewer:
RGB or CMYK profiles v2 (.icc, .icm)
Pictures (.tif, .jpg, .png)
Spot color (.spc)
Color table (.cxf, .ase, .aco, .acb, .csv)
To load files, you can also click on File / Open file.
2. Open Gamut viewer module
To use the Gamut Viewer click on the pictogram at the top in the middle.
3. Select your content to display
To display the gamut of profile, click on the small square at the right of the profile or picture.
When you select an icc profile, you can see in the left column, alls informations concerning this profile.
Gamut Viewer support only Icc Profile version 2 ( not version 4)
4. Compare multiple contents
To compare 2 profiles or pictures, just select them. Here, we are comparing the Adobe RGB profile with a paper profile to know the reproducible colors by the Epson SC-P7000 printer and the proofing EFI paper. The Gamut viewer show that is not possible to reproduce alls colors from the Adobe RGB space on this paper, with this printer (This is normal because no printer is able to reproduce the Adobe RGB space), but we can have a good idea of the colors we can reproduce on this paper with this printer
5. Analysing contents
Here we are comparing a jpeg picture with a paper profile, to know if we are able to reproduce alls color of this picture. The Gamut Viewer show that will not be possible to reproduce very saturated orange and blue colors on this printer with this paper.
Here we are comparing a PANTONE® color table with the paper profile from an Epson SC-P7000, to know if we are able to reproduce alls color of the PANTONE® C library. The Gamut Viewer show that will not be possible to reproduce alls colors from this PANTONE® color table but most of them are reproductible.
In this example we will use a PANTONE® spot color table.To use this PANTONE spot color table you must have the licence to use it.
The best way to get it, is to buy a PANTONE® Formula Guide.With each of them, you will have a Code to download the PANTONE® Color book into digital format with the PANTONE® COLOR MANAGER Software.
Can we know if the color that we captured with a spectrophotometer is reproducible on our printer? YES WE DO ... In this example, we have read the sample PANTONE® 116C into a PANTONE® Color Book and we have compare it with the Epson SC-P700 paper profile.
6. Control Grey Neutrality
The Coraye's Gamut Viewer can be useful to control the grey balance of your print. To verify if yours neutral grey is ok, take a measure of grey patches in a grey scale and display its into the Gamut Viewer. You will see in the 3D graph if grey colors are close of the "L" axis or not. Below, we can see that grey colors are little bit bluish, because gray samples drift to the blue.
7. Rotate, Zoom in, zoom out, move, ...
To rotate the viewing in 3 dimensions, you can use the mouse To move the viewing in 2 dimensions without rotation, you can use the "Control key" and the mouse simultaneously. To zoom + / - , you can scroll with 2 fingers simultaneously on the pad or play with the mouse wheel.
8. Change transparency
You can play with the transparency to compare 2 gamuts. You can change the Frame density, but before to do that be aware to stop the preview. In this exemple, you can see if the paper profile is able to reproduce correctly the black.
9. Use Frame mode
To change the frame select Solid Frame or Wired Frame into "Frame Type" option.
10. Use colors mode
You can change Color into Frame Color option. For example, we will choose the white color to display the gamut.
Now you can fully use this Gamut Viewer.
Have fun 🔥!
Last updated